Internet-companies announce the largest DDoS-attack ever thwarted

Internet companies announce the largest DDoS attack ever thwarted.

Major internet companies like Google, Amazon, CloudFlare, and Microsoft have faced the largest known Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack, raising concerns about a new technology that could easily cause widespread disruptions.

Google announced that its cloud services thwarted a traffic surge attack that was double the size of the previous standard attack, while CloudFlare's assault was three times larger than any previous attack it had experienced.

Amazon also confirmed being targeted by a new type of DDoS attack.

A DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack is a type of web attack that works by overwhelming servers with fake data requests, leading to server disablement and an inability to handle legitimate traffic. With advancing technology, the power of these attacks has increased, with some capable of generating millions of fake requests per second.

The recent attacks on Google, Amazon, and CloudFlare were capable of generating hundreds of millions of fake requests per second. These attacks were directed at cloud services due to vulnerabilities in HTTP/2, the latest version of the Internet protocol HTTP, making servers susceptible to fraudulent attacks.

In addition, Google, Amazon, and CloudFlare urged companies to update their servers to protect them from this type of attack. The responsible party for these attacks is unknown, making it historically difficult to pinpoint the culprits. 

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