Is a VPN (Virtual Private Network) considered secure?

Is a VPN  considered secure?

When connecting to the Internet via a VPN, you become invisible. Internet connection involves three parties: the user, the intermediary or the Internet service provider company, and the server. When you connect through a VPN, you establish a connection directly with the server without going through the intermediary. By doing so, you become hidden from view by changing your IP address to a different, fictitious address in another country not connected to your location. Consequently, you can access all services and websites that are restricted in your country.

Moreover, hackers cannot easily access your information, and the Internet service provider (ISP) cannot monitor your online activities. ISPs can gather important information about you through your device's IP address.

Is a virtual private network (VPN) safe?

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) encrypts all your communications and prevents eavesdropping by any other party, keeping your device's location or IP address secure. However, it cannot prevent all online tracking when visiting websites.

When you visit websites, companies can still add cookies to your device, used to store login information and track your interactions on various websites. Advertisements may also be targeted based on these cookies.

A VPN provider can review all the information you send through the VPN, including websites. While VPN providers promise not to log this information, it's essential to use a trustworthy provider when dealing with your personal data, such as credit card information for payment.

Theft and Hacking 

Just as business managers don't want to lose their business, hackers don't want to get caught due to the penetration or strength of the company providing protection. This includes not only the hacker but also those using applications like uTorrent to download potentially harmful content.

Whether you agree or not, downloading pirated content is theft, socially, morally, and often legally unacceptable. Some users don't want to be tracked and follow the principle that prevention is better than cure. In this case, it's better to defend yourself against hackers and intruders.

We acknowledge that not all uses of VPNs are good; there is a dark side and a good side.

Protection Obsession

Perhaps your personal account holds your important files, and maybe you are obsessed with protection to the extent that you don't even have pictures of yourself on your personal device. Some protection enthusiasts really use everything said to protect their files. The VPN service is effective and will protect them a little because it encrypts all communications. What actually happens is as if someone is pulling the data as it moves to you, whether through your private network or through one of the previous methods. It will suffer because of the Internet encryption due to the VPN.

Best VPN Servers

Accessing the best VPN servers and downloading them to your device can be done by going to one of their dedicated websites, then logging in and downloading the available server. The providers offer users free trial periods and the ability to refund your money if you don't benefit from the services as you wish. Among the most famous:

  • Express VPN: This server stands out for having a set of the best servers in terms of speed and ease of use, in addition to supporting media streaming and torrents for a relatively low price compared to others.


  • Tunnelbear: It is considered user-friendly and suitable for use in cafes. It also has a limited free layer and has proven its efficiency in using torrents and streaming media.


  • Strong VPN: It is not considered as user-friendly as the others, but it is used for media streaming and torrents.

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